you are a midnite dancer. tired and full of sleep. you are catching mice with your feet. the murk is blonde. no sun shines. the hour whispers about negative neutrality. everything is so damned cold and small. your feet are obsessed with control. i want your cunt to be as smooth as the screen of my tv set. kiss the floor. erase your self. the good has passed. from now on you will lurk in the dark. all your lust is nonsense, he said.
i keep thinking of suicide. i know it is a stupid idea but i can't put it aside. you keep dancing. the fires are still alive in your eyes. the pain is real and i know i can't take it anymore. i was not born for it. it blurs my mind, it takes away my dignity. but i am not ready for this. i am not ready for the peak. tonite, in between days, i will not cross the threshold. no sanctity at all. i have not been there, i got stuck in between desire and actuality. i was near but i was not able to embrace it. murky, murky, murky. she spins, she turns. she makes moves only she understands. it's time. mid
::: but you're :::