
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

just like honey/human beginning

the car door closes. the haze covers the street. the engine starts. the wheel turns. the car will drive you into sadness. just like any other time. though you do not feel it always.


enjoy the moment while it lasts, says one. run away run away, say the others. the pavement is wet. you watch those little birds in front of the greengrocers. you will die alone, without friends, one tells you. i hate english language. these gardens full of shapes and no spirit. i fall down. down down down. the water is green and smells like hospital. i see all my dead ancestors. i see my grandfather dancing with his cancer, the other one with his diabetes. the heart-attack that took away my father. but all the women are alive, they stand above the lake and throw wreaths into it. it is sunday. 1994. the world has never seen happier family. 

::: tranquille :::